Pre-Operative Consultation

Pre-Operative Consultation

At Medallion Periodontics, we believe a consultation prior to surgery allows the patient an opportunity to meet their surgeon and review any questions or concerns. The Medallion Periodontics team takes pride in the time they invest in patient communication. A well informed patient is an integral part of surgery planning and allows the doctor and patient to map out appropriate goals and expectations. In addition, a consultation provides the opportunity to review your medical history and address any considerations or limitations that certain medical conditions may impose.

All patients undergoing anesthesia, hospital based procedures, third molar, implant, and grafting surgery, or who may have serious medical conditions are required to schedule a consultation prior to surgery.

Patients having minor procedures that are performed in the office under local anesthesia may schedule the consultation for the same appointment as the procedure.

Pre-Op Instructions

Our goal is to provide you with the highest levels of safety, comfort and care. Please review the following pre-op guidelines, and call the office with any questions:

Bee Ridge: (941) 927-4308

Please note: This section assumes you have had a pre-operative consultation.

  • Nothing to eat or drink for a minimum of 6-8 hours prior to surgery (including water).
  • Take ALL regular medications unless told otherwise. Only a small sip of water.
  • For patients who are taking blood thinning mediations (i.e., Coumadin/Warfarin) please have your INR checked 3 days prior to your scheduled surgery and have the results faxed to our office at the following location:
  • Bee Ridge: (941) 927-0900
  • If you are diabetic, please skip your medications on the morning of surgery. If you start to feel light-headed you may sip apple juice.
  • A driver is REQUIRED to bring you and take you home from your appointment.
  • Plan to leave your personal belongings with your driver.
  • Plan to rest the remainder of the day of surgery. Do NOT drive a vehicle, operate any machinery or sign any legal documents for 24 hours following your surgery.
  • Please wear loose-fitting clothing with sleeves that can be rolled up past the elbows, and low-healed or flat shoes. Minimal make-up and jewelry.
  • Soft foods and liquids are best for the first day. Maintain a soft diet for several days and gradually progress to solid foods.
  • If an antibiotic was prescribed, please start it 1 day prior to surgery and take as prescribed.

Additional instructions will be provided during your appointment.

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