Platelet Rich Growth Fibrin (PRGF)

Platelet Rich Growth Fibrin (PRGF)

Advanced Treatment During a Dental Bone Graft

Over time, areas in the mouth that are missing teeth tend to shrink or atrophy. This lack of quality and quantity of bone and/or soft tissue can affect facial form and appearance, resulting in premature aging. Bone loss can make it difficult to place dental implants, as well as making it difficult for your dentist to construct a crown or denture that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. It is best to improve these areas with a dental bone graft.

Faster Healing of your Dental Bone Graft

The super saturation of the surgical site during a dental bone graft with PRGF (growth factors) helps to accelerate the healing process and enhances bone and soft tissue regeneration, resulting in a more successful dental bone graft.

Superior Safety During your Dental Bone Graft

PRGF is a portion of your own blood; therefore, disease transmission is not an issue. 

Patient Convenience During Your Dental Bone Graft

We process and refine the PRGF right in our office during your procedure. This limits the amount of healing time a dental bone graft takes considerably, getting you back to your life quicker.

What does it look like?

PRGF is a fraction or portion of blood plasma. As we process and refine the PRGF, it forms a jewel-like, gold, glistening membrane gel. This can either be mixed with dental bone graft material, or it can be used to cover a graft. Used either way, it helps to enhance the formation of new bone and tissue.

If you have any questions about this treatment, please contact our office and we would be happy to discuss the benefits of PRGF.

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