Full Implant Teeth Replacement

Full Implant Teeth Replacement

We regularly transition a patient from having damaged natural teeth to a full set (full arch) of implant teeth. Sometimes it’s just one jaw, upper or lower and some times it is both. The teeth are extracted and implants are placed in the same surgery. Patients that are currently in dentures also make this transition. Our doctor teams up with some highly skilled dentists and prosthodontists to offer this to our patients and we regularly deliver the first set of implant teeth the same day the implants are placed.

There are many reasons for tooth loss but most patients do not want dentures. This patient had failing upper teeth and did not want to go into dentures. We placed upper implants and the patient had a full set of implant teeth secured to the implants.

Implants attached to mold (Upper Left Image). Implants installed (Lower Left Image).

Implants installed on top.

Image on the top is before dental implants. Image on the bottom is after dental implants.

Some patients need both upper and lower teeth to be removed. We removed the teeth and placed the implants for both upper and lower jaws in the same surgery. The patient had immediate teeth placed so she didn’t have to wear a lower denture at all and had the final implant teeth delivered after the implants fully integrated.

Teeth prior to dental implants.

Full upper and lower implant teeth.

Image on the top is temporary dental implants. Image on the bottom is after dental implants were completed.

This patient had full upper and lower implant reconstruction. We removed all teeth and placed implants all in the same surgery. The teeth were delivered the same day and the patient never went a day without teeth.

Before full upper and lower implants.

After implants.

This patient did not want to have an upper denture so we removed the upper teeth and placed implants in the same surgery. Her final teeth looked and felt like normal teeth.

Full upper implant teeth completed.

Am I a candidate?

Many patients assume that they may not be a candidate based on age or that teeth have been missing for a long time. During an implant consult, our doctor performs a complete exam and cone beam CT scan. He is able to digitally perform surgery and assess the available bone and soft tissue for implants. Most patients have multiple implant options available to them and even patients that have been in dentures for years are usually good candidates. There are a few contra-indications to dental implants and also a few risk factors that our doctor will address if applicable, but the vast majority of our patients undergo successful implant teeth replacement.

This patient experienced significant bone loss and changes in her facial appearance. Though she had significant bone loss, we worked with her anatomy to provide 5 implants to support a full set of teeth.

Facial bone loss from missing teeth (Right Image). Five implants in the lower jaw to support teeth (Upper Left Image).

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X-ray shows teeth on top of the five dental implants in the lower jaw that provide a solid foundation for the teeth.

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Image on the top is before dental implants. Image on the bottom is after dental implants.

Many cases that involve removing multiple teeth allow us to utilize the best anatomy and avoid areas that have less bone. This patient had full upper and lower extractions and implant placement in the same surgery. The implants are placed in areas with the best bone avoiding the sinus and vital nerve anatomy. We utilize sophisticated software programs to plan and place the implants.

Full upper and lower implants to support teeth.


  • How long does the process take?

    As long as it takes to do it right! Some cases finish quick and some take time to achieve excellent results. Every patient is unique and we will review the timeline with you during your consultation. If it’s a single tooth implant replacement, it may be completed all in one surgery or it could be several steps staged over months. Sometimes, a patient needs bone grafting prior to implants so the timeline really is customized to the patient’s anatomy and goals. There is a push for speed with implant therapy but sometimes “slow and steady wins the race”. Our doctors are trained in all techniques and will recommend the best protocol for you.

  • What are the success rates?

    Implants in general have an unparalleled success rates when evaluated against other medical implant devices. The literature routinely reports success rates in the upper nineties and our doctors exceed the research proven benchmarks of success, both in the short and long term.

  • Am I too old for implants?

    This is probably the number one question we get during implant consultations. The answer is no, there is no age contraindication to dental implant replacement of teeth. Our doctors have treated patients well into their nineties with implants and research has shown that tooth replacement is correlated with longer lifespan.

  • Are implants all the same?

    As with most products, there is a difference in quality. We only use the best implant manufacturers backed by decades of science. There are a lot of tricks used to advertise low cost implants including offering inferior implant parts or not including necessary components. Long term success comes with doing it the right way every time.

  • Who should I trust with my implant?

    Implant and bone grafting surgery have steep learning curves requiring years of training to master. While most patients say their implant surgery was easy, it is still an implantable device that if not done properly, can yield years of trouble and cost. Vet your implant surgeons appropriately. Are they board certified in a surgical specialty? How many cases have they successfully treated? Are they trained to offer all anesthetic options for comfort?

    Our doctors have over a decade of experience and thousands of successful cases. They are board certified Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons licensed as both a dentist and a doctor. They deliver customized implant therapy utilizing all available technology to yield success rates that exceed the research benchmarks.

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